Monday, October 30, 2006

Don't rock the boat baby!

So I'd like to know where you got the notion Barry.......

I must say I feel a bit uneasy at such an outrageous display of moral fibre by a doctor! If every doctor had the courage of their convictions, the NHS would never be in a fit state to be reorganised every 2 years would it? He's making life jolly difficult for Patricia which is a shame because that will only delay the next brilliantly conceived NHS reorganisation. Let's let her get on with her job of making our job more difficult, less rewarding and less productive eh chaps?

As we know, despite the compulsory redundancies and further delays to the NHS IT project 'connecting for health', which overspent by more than the hospital trusts combined (and is being managed by Patsy Fuckwit Patricia Hewitt's old company).........this is the best year in the history of the NHS EVER. Of that there is no doubt.

As everyone knows 'markets' are the only fair way to run any system, and the NHS can only become more efficient with MORE private sector involvement. The fact that there isn't actually any evidence to support this yet is just inconvenient, as is the increasing evidence that shows that it's LESS efficient. We'll just brush that under the carpet. It would be a real shame if Patsy, Tony, Alan and John don't have a few nice non-exec director jobs with United Health et al when they lose their day jobs in two and a half years time, after all the great work they've done.

Did I mention that I've got a ticket for England vs New Zealand on Sunday? Well I have, and its a good one too!

Heads Down!

Toodle Pip


Anonymous said...

Second to comment. Love the site, sheer genius, havent chuckled so much for ... minutes. (Just flipped over from Nurse Crotchet blog). Look forward to irritating your site also xx

Anonymous said...

Fo those interested in funding issues. A quick (v. simplistic) summary, the country has been divided into 5 areas for the purposes of IT upgrade. 3 out of the 5 areas are being 'managed' by 1 company called CSC. That 1 company is being the 'supplied' to by 1 company called iSoft. Only on 'winning' 2/3rds of the UK IT upgrade contract, did isoft then set up an IT development arm to actually produce these said 'upgrades'. (In India I might add). iSoft have crashed to 1/10th their value this year as they were caught out on their 'accounting irregularities', (but I gather they do throw a fantastic 'bung'). In order to re-model a somewhat dented image, they have now put Captain Nemo in charge (a guy who was brilliant at building submarines, (no MOD link there then), who in his own words is currently "getting out of the bath" to deal with this. (Link E-health Insider).As this is going on, that wonderful Monopolies and Mergers (sorry 'Competition Commission', it was due for a rebranding) tax drain is currently investigating Stonegate Farmers Ltd/Deans Foods Group. (no Ive never heard of them either but they must be on some tossers 'national critical' list somewhere). However all this said, lets please celebrate. The multi-billion Indian workforce is spending their new found wealth on paying for their health care. This in turn is employing hundreds more Indian docs, nurses etc. After 2 yrs training the DoH is shipping them over here, and making them work for £0 to get 'experience' in our health service, and the public get a far cheaper staffed NHS who understand the donald duck 'english' thats written in the new IT systems. Now thats a win win in my book!

Dr Informed said...

That's IT NHS style for you!

We told the government that having everyone's records on a central computer was silly becasue a) 3 million people would have access to YOUR records with ease. b) No government inspired computer project has ever been anything more than a hugley expensive failure.

We suggested that smart card records held by the patient would be cheaper, more secure and work better.

Luckily the government was courageous enough to ignore expert advice. We are even luckier that they also reversed the last Tory government's ban on Andersen consulting doing public contracts because they were a)crap and b)bent. I'm sure Patricia Hewitt's former position as a director had nothing to do with it. This company (with a nice new name) is over seeing IT contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds, which is great news.

The fact that the central computer system theoretically makes privatisation of the NHS easier is meer coincidence.

Anonymous said...

A very minor, irrelevant point. (isnt that why were here?) Just checked the "Stonegate Farmers Ltd/Deans Foods Group" investigation. It seems theres an awful lot of nervous chickens out there......

Anonymous said...

sorry, but slight correction Dr I. Andersens became Accenture, not CSC. Apart from that youre bob on..! (I wouldnt want CSC to be slurred with the far cleaner history of Andersens........)

Anonymous said...

Got here at last.

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission ?


The Angry Medic said...

Heh. Glad to see you put up the NHS Information Minister pic on your blog too. And yes, welcome...

*deep Morpheus voice* the world of NHS blogs.

*cue dramatic music*

Us? Prevent Patricia Nowitt from doing her job? Heavens no. I mean, then who'd take away our jobs, close our hospitals, kill our patients and give us blogging fodder? We'd have to turn our guns to that nice racist chap Lord Warner. And his name's so much less fun to make puns on :)

Dr Informed said...

Don't worry, there's more coming....

Anonymous said...

Great article! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for interesting article.

Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!