Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dr Google - 1 Dr Informed - 0

Hats off to Google. You may have seen the recent revelation in the press that doctors are using Google to help make diagnoses. Dr Informed has been using Google for years, and finds it a particularly useful tool for explaining to patients what is wrong with them with the aid of pretty pictures from a Google images search.

Today Dr Informed diagnosed a common condition called molluscum contagiosum in a 7 year old boy, and whilst reasurring 'mum' about the innocent nature of this common viral 'wart like' condition, he thought that pictures would help.

Unfortunately, when molluscum contagiosum was entered into Google's image search bar, some pictures of various parts of the anatomy that can be considered rather inapropriate for 7 year olds were displayed. Thankfully the young chap's mother found it as amusing as Dr Informed. The young chap remained blisfully ignorant of what was going on.

Lessons have been learnt. The GMC gestapo are mobilising. The Daily Mail is going apoplectic with righteous moral outrage as we speak.


The Angry Medic said...

Expecting to receive a mysterious nighttime visit from GMC people in trenchcoats and to be replaced in the morning by a nurse practitioner with an Internet connection, Dr Informed?

Dr Informed said...

Scared? Moi?


Phoenix said...

It's okay though Dr Informed, you can sell yourself as a GPwSI, and hospital gimps like me will be made redundant.

Phoenix said...

Dr Informed, have you seen this yet?


Dr Informed said...


I enjoyed that very much.

As for the GPwSI nonsense - It would cost me more to pay a locum to see my GP patients than I would earn pretending to be a specialist. I prefer to keep my extraordinary skills in Primary Care where they belong!

You Hospital Gimps can keep your quality street and your MRSA, but you really ought to learn to play Golf!