Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dr Informed at the Movies

“The NHS, and with it the future of New Labour is under threat – and one woman has 24 hours to save it.”

Nightmare on NHS street (18 cert 125 minutes)

Michael Winner makes a triumphant return to form with this ‘driller-killer-slasher’ adaptation of a Michael Barrymore political thriller screenplay. The Secretary of State for Health, Patsy Fuckwit (portrayed by a gritty Kylie Minogue), is faced with the unenviable task of simultaneously battling the Forces of Conservatism, and the Medical Profession led by Dr Harold Boatman (Alan Rickman- below) whilst trying to stop he New Labour Project from becoming derailed.

The evil doctors do everything in their dastardly power to obstruct Patsy’s reforms, putting choice and patient safety in serious peril. We see them callously murdering patients and not washing their hands.

The love interest is provided by Prof Liam Doughnutson (played by Jim Davidson- below) who is torn between Patsy, and Dame Janet Smith (Bella Emberg) in a bizarre and psychologically disturbing love triangle. Eventually love and justice prevail, but not before much doctor bashing.

The laughs are provided by a charming cameo appearance by John Prescott, playing with himself, who eventually realises that Patsy is not that kind of Secretary, with hilarious results.

This film really is a must see, and with Cannes and the Oscars just around the corner, the critics are already predicting that it will be this year’s runaway success.


Phoenix said...

Dr Informed!

How could you cast dear, sweet little Kylie as the Evil Mistress?

I imagine some evil villainess psychopath woman would be far more suited to the role. They could put on an accent. Someone like Cathy Bates or Glenn Close. Someone undoubtably evil.

Maybe Kylie could be the theme-tune-singing temptress

Dr Informed said...

She's Australian too. Patsy's supposed to be the heroine. Alan Rickman's the bad guy!

Anonymous said...

This may be a little late in the day, but I think I may have discovered the fate of the missing Nurse Ratchet.

The clue is an anagram:

Wait, I pimp Ratchet!

Anonymous said...

Of course we could always use an alternative anagram:

Yep, shit. Twat.

Dr Informed said...

Arrf Arrf! Anagrams yet again reveal the truth within.